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Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends

Cute nicknames for boyfriends are an age old tradition. Girlfriends for years have been resorting to the classics or coming up with their own original names. On this page, I've assembled a list of top 20 cute nicknames for boyfriend that represent both the standards and originals.

Enjoy the list of cute nicknames for boyfriends and if you have one that absolutely needs to be on the list that I've left off, then feel free to send it in.


Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends - Top 20 List

1. Angus is for a beefy yet cute boyfriend, or to bolster up the woefully sagging self-esteem of a weak, pasty face limb noodle who does your homework for you.

2. Babe - is a classic cute boyfriend nickname that will only get you in a slight amount of trouble in front of his friends.

3. Baby Boo Boo - is for a boyfriend that you'd like to castrate slowly by giving him effeminate names.

4. Bunny-kins - means you're cousins and will be humping like bunnies at the next family wedding.

5. Bunny Wabbit - you may as well stroke his belly with a coonskin cap and feed him grapes when you use this one.

6. Cowboy - this is especially endearing for the male who is quite the opposite, such as a computer nerd.

7. Cuddly Bear - get yourself a Build a Bear and save your boyfriend the embarrassment.

8. Handsome - is another classic cute boyfriend nickname that most guys still appreciate. If however, your boyfriend is a pimply-faced dweeb he may think you're making fun if you use this name.

9. Honey Bear - might as well call him Winnie the Pooh and put a jar on his nose.

10. Honey Bunny - yes, this is a bunny dipped in honey and one of the more sugary and emasculating names.

11. Hot Stuff - this is one you can actually call him in front of his friends.

12. Hunk - this one is a bit Old School as in the David Hasselhoff and Pam Anderson days.

13. Master Woody - most of the time, he'll take this as a compliment and an invitation for intimacy, so use it wisely.

14. Mr. Puffy Poopins - yes, he'll love you for this one especially when you say it around all of his family.

15. Romeo - serious or sarcastic, it's all in the tone of the voice.

16. Snuggly Doodle - you may be able to get away with this one on Valentine's Day or your birthday, but don't push it on days like Independence Day or Super Bowl Sunday.

17. Sweetie Pie - a standard cute nickname for boyfriends since time began, this one won't get much of a protest even from the macho types.

18. Stud Muffin - the prime has passed on this one but it still may get you a chuckle.

19. Tiger - classic cute nickname for a boyfriend so use this one as much as you want.

20. Woody Woody Poo Poo - you may as well just put a diaper on his bottom and a binkie in his mouth. It's all over if you call him this.


So, there ends the top 20 list of cute nicknames for boyfriends. Sure, there are a few that I've chosen not the put on the list, particularly those featuring body parts and biological processes. But, at least this list will act as a guide and give girlfriends some do's and don'ts in regard to when to use and when not to use certain names.

The main rule of thumb when it comes to using cute nicknames for boyfriends, is when it doubt, say it in private. Trying out new names in public for all to hear, may just a cause embarrassment and a fight followed by a few choice not so cute nicknames hurled your way. And, that won't be cool, now will it?

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